Wednesday, September 23, 2009

so in all of this hullabaloo...

          ... it seems both of us forgot about proper introductions! 

          welcome to the blog!!! i'm luke ellard. (for more info look that way ---> and/or check out my last blog) yes, savanna and i go to the same school, we also go to the same church. no we aren't dating, but we are two friends who share a passion for Jesus Christ. i approached (texted) her at the end of last summer proposing the concept of a Christian oriented blog. both of us talked about all of these ideas and how we would like to write a book one day discussing our faith and such, so i thought in the meantime why not blog about it? and voila, here we are! as you can probably tell already, we will be posting devotionals/lessons and the like frequently on here, though we might also do a short personal blog updating on what's going on in our lives as well. and from time to time we might even have some guest bloggers, which would be totally rad. i think i speak for both savanna and i in asking that if you would, please pray for both of us and this blog. God only knows what may or may not come out of this but whatever happens, we are trusting in Him. if you would like to contact us our e-mail is:

i'm also on facebook, myspace (though i never use it), twitter, youtube, and i have my own personal website.

needless to say i am interwebbed out.

if anyone has prayer requests or would like to learn more about Jesus and our purpose for this blog feel free to contact both of us. our prayer is that, if the Lord will it, this blog will reach at least one lost person out there and maybe help a few wandering children of God as well. anything is possible through/with Christ.

thank you everyone and please spread the word! God bless!

-- luke

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I would totally love to be a guest on this blog :)
